As a third party wishing to integrate with Pulp 3, you can use OpenAPI tooling to generate bindings
for over 20 different languages. Here is an example of how to use swagger-codegen
to generate
Python bindings.
The REST API documentation for Pulp 3 is available on every Pulp instance at /pulp/api/v3/docs
The documentation is auto generated using the OpenAPI 2.0, formerly known as Swagger, schema
definition. Each Pulp instance has a variety of plugins installed. The documentation is always a
reflection of the installed plugins.
The schema can also be used to generate client bindings in many languages using swagger-codegen
The schema is available for your local Pulp at /pulp/api/v3/docs/api.json
The “Getting Started” section of
documentation contains a link to the latest version of the jar that can be used
to generate a client for Pulp. The example below can be used to generate the Python client.
# Download swagger-codegen-cli jar
curl -o swagger-codegen-cli.jar
# List available config options for Python clients
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar config-help -l python
python package name ( convention: snake_case) . ( Default: swagger_client)
python project name in ( e.g. petstore-api) .
python package version. ( Default: 1.0.0)
python package URL.
Sort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters. ( Default: true )
hides the timestamp when files were generated ( Default: true )
library template ( sub-template) to use ( Default: urllib3)
# Create a custom swagger-codegen config for Python
vim config.json
"packageName" :"my_pulp3_client" ,
"projectName" :"my-pulp3-client" ,
"packageVersion" :"0.0.1"
# Download the OpenAPI 2.0 schema from Pulp
curl -o pulp-api.json http://localhost:24817/pulp/api/v3/docs/api.json
# Generate the client
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate \
-i pulp-api.json \
-l python \
-o ./my_pulp3_client \
-c config.json
# Install the new Python package
pip install my_pulp3_client/
Below is an example of a script that uses the new client package to interact with Pulp.
import my_pulp3_client
from my_pulp3_client import Distribution , FileContent , FilePublisher , FileRemote , Repository , \
RepositorySyncURL , RepositoryPublishURL
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
from time import sleep
def monitor_task ( task_href ):
"""Polls the Task API until the task is in a completed state.
Prints the task details and a success or failure message. Exits on failure.
task_href(str): The href of the task to monitor
list[str]: List of hrefs that identify resource created by the task
completed = [ 'completed' , 'failed' , 'canceled' ]
task = api . tasks_read ( task_href )
while task . state not in completed :
sleep ( 2 )
task = api . tasks_read ( task_href )
pprint ( task )
if task . state == 'completed' :
print ( "The task was successfful." )
return task . created_resources
else :
print ( "The task did not finish successfully." )
exit ()
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
configuration = my_pulp3_client . Configuration ()
configuration . username = 'admin'
configuration . password = 'admin'
configuration . safe_chars_for_path_param = '/'
client = my_pulp3_client . ApiClient ( configuration )
# create an instance of the API class
api = my_pulp3_client . PulpApi ( client )
try :
# Create a File Remote
remote_url = ''
remote_data = FileRemote ( name = 'bar' , url = remote_url )
file_remote = api . remotes_file_create ( remote_data )
pprint ( file_remote )
# Create a Repository
repository_data = Repository ( name = 'foo' )
repository = api . repositories_create ( repository_data )
pprint ( repository )
# Sync a Repository
repository_sync_data = my_pulp3_client . RepositorySyncURL ( repository = repository . href )
sync_response = api . remotes_file_sync ( file_remote . href , repository_sync_data )
pprint ( sync_response )
# Monitor the sync task
created_resources = monitor_task ( sync_response . href )
repository_version_1 = api . repositories_versions_read ( created_resources [ 0 ])
pprint ( repository_version_1 )
# Create an artifact from a local file
artifact = api . artifacts_create ( 'devel/pulp3_python_client_example/' )
pprint ( artifact )
# Create a FileContent from the artifact
file_data = FileContent ( relative_path = 'foo.tar.gz' , artifact = artifact . href )
filecontent = api . content_file_files_create ( file_data )
pprint ( filecontent )
# Add the new FileContent to a repository version
repo_version_data = { 'add_content_units' : [ filecontent . href ]}
repo_version_response = api . repositories_versions_create ( repository . href , repo_version_data )
# Monitor the repo version creation task
created_resources = monitor_task ( repo_version_response . href )
repository_version_2 = api . repositories_versions_read ( created_resources [ 0 ])
pprint ( repository_version_2 )
# Create a FilePublisher
file_publisher_data = FilePublisher ( name = 'bar' )
file_publisher = api . publishers_file_create ( file_publisher_data )
# Create a publication from the latest version of the repository
publish_data = RepositoryPublishURL ( repository = repository . href )
publish_response = api . publishers_file_publish ( file_publisher . href , publish_data )
# Monitor the publish task
created_resources = monitor_task ( publish_response . href )
publication_href = created_resources [ 0 ]
distribution_data = Distribution ( name = 'baz' , base_path = 'foo' , publication = publication_href )
distribution = api . distributions_create ( distribution_data )
pprint ( distribution )
except ApiException as e :
print ( "Exception when calling the Api: %s \n " % e )